Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Worth waiting for....

Wait. Trust. Believe.

There is a wall between you and me
I'm trying everything I know to get to you
I'm even trying things I don't know
Like patience, honesty, and faith
Patience because I know this is a process
As instantaneous and whirlwind as it may seem, still a process
And I know we have a way to go
But I'm right here
Even if it's on the other side of that wall,
Call my name
I'll answer
So I wait
And this honesty thing, it's new to me
Not that I am a dishonest person
But just that being who you want to be
Ain't easyI like to tell myself that I am a good person
And I deserve wonderful things and experiences in my life
But the reality of the situation is that I haven't always lived that
Hell, I didn't even believe it possible for meI mean, learning your own truth
And discovering who you are as a person is a long arduous process
(There's that word again)
But it's necessary
Once I learned how to be honest with myself,
I realized how simple it was to be honest with everyone
So the truth is I care so much about you
The truth is that sometimes I'm afraid that you will pull away for good
The truth is I wish I could find I way to put into words all the emotions you evoke in me that I don't even know if there are any words for
The truth is when I lie beside you in your bed
I imagine that I am lying with you in our bed and that we have already created a life together
The truth is I want that to be the truth
And I have faith that it will be
So I trust
Faith is the belief in things unseen, right?
Faith keeps me vigilant on the other side of this wall
And I trust this newfound faith
I trust it because I believe that you are exactly who you say you are
I have faith that everything happens for a reason
And I believe that the reason "I caught your eye" is that I was supposed to
My faith in love, my faith in the power of that love will carry me up, over and through that wall to you
Of this, I am certain
I have never wanted another thing more in this life
Than wanting you in mine
I will not stop until I get to you
So I believe

© Hatina' N. Covington 4/26/2008